
View groomers tracks

Customers to advance Groomer tracks layer in  Trail Manager.  To help you find out where groomer work on a specific range of date, you can use advanced filters in the Data Browser table.  Here an example of how to view track of groomer ID 300234060057110 in Trail Manage.

1- Open your Trail Manager app;

2- Click on the title of the data browser table on the left. By default, it is "Trail Network", select "Groomer Tracks"


3- In the search box, enter the unit id "300234060057110" ... you will get only the tracks for this unit:


4- Zoom on the map to any of the selected point by clicking on one of the zoom buttons in the table.

... and now, to change the time range for the groomer tracks:

5- Erase the unit id in the search box, to get back to seeing all tracks for all units

6- Click the [Filters...] button, and set the "From date" and "To date" to the interval that you want:


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