
Rerouting Trails based on groomer tracks

Over the season, trails move for various reasons and the map needs updating.  This article shows two examples of rerouting a trail:

1- The simple case where you simply move a few vertices in the middle of a trail

2- The more involved case where a long stretch of the trail is moved, in which case it is more efficient to clip off the old section of trail, digitize the new section, and then merge the pieces together, while making sure that the connection is topologically correct to avoid breaking the routing network.

In all cases we take advantage of the groomer tracks to give us an indication of where the new trail is located

1- The Simple case

a) Turn on the Groomer Tracks layer and zoom to the area where the trail segments needs to be relocated

b) Click on the trail to select it

c) Click on the edit button at the top-right of the popup window to enter edit mode

d) Click and drag existing vertices to the correct location. New vertices can also be inserted anywhere along the line with a click and drag

e) Click the [Save & Close] Button

That's it. Note that you may need to zoom in or out once to see the map refresh properly.




Now that you have mastered the simple case, let's see how to reroute longer trail segments:

2- The Clip and Merge case

In the first steps, we clip off the section of trail that is no longer relevant:

a) Turn on the Groomer Tracks layer and zoom to the area where the section of trail needs to be relocated

b) Click on the trail to select it

c) Click on the edit button at the top-right of the popup window to enter edit mode

d) Use the Clip Tool (Scissors icon) to clip the line at the beginning of the section of trail to remove

e) Click on the second piece of trail that needs to be clipped (if applicable), use the Clip Tool to clip at the second location

f) Save & Close

g) Click on the segment of trail that was just clipped and that we want to delete: select it, click the edit button and [Delete]


The second part of the job is to add the new trail segment and merge the pieces together

h) Click the edit button on the Trails layer in the layer tree on the left of the map

i) CTRL-Drag on the map to draw a rectangle that selects the two pieces of trail that we will merge later. This will enter edit mode with both segments selected

j) Click on one of the two trail segments to select it

h) Drag the last vertex of the first segment to the location of the first vertex of the other segment. You will notice that the mouse cursor "snaps" on the vertex when you get close to it. This snapping is important in order to maintain routing network topology

i) Click and drag along the line to create new vertices and place them a the right location on the rerouted trail

j) When you are done, Click the merge tool in the edit window  This will merge the two segments into a single one.

k) Click [Save & Close]

That's it. Note that you may need to zoom in or out once to see the map refresh properly.





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