To add or remove a feature from a layer render, you must first make a layer render to a map with your data source. Read the How to make a layer render as a vector or add a vector layer to a map article in this section for more details.
Once you have a data source that is rendered as a vector layer, you can create a mapping application in eVouala in which you have your data source added as a map. In this app, create a script that allows you to manually create and add the features into a vector layer of the data source.
Add feature
In the example below, the data source has 2 attributes: "name" and "category".
Remove feature
Here's an example of how to remove a feature from a vector layer:
Additional technical information
- the data source must not be editable
- the data source must not be browsable
- the data source can be queryable
- the data source will have its legend rendered normally within the layer tree
- in the map editor, you can create multiple classes (style classifications) to make the features render differently. Note that this will work when they are drawn as vector. But only one condition is supported per class, i.e. you can't use 'and', 'or', etc.