Here's the list of all symbols name available for your Mapfile template.
SYMBOL 'ambulance'
SYMBOL 'anchor'
SYMBOL 'arrowsdd'
SYMBOL 'arrow-up'
SYMBOL 'asterix'
SYMBOL 'bagdd'
SYMBOL 'barchart'
SYMBOL 'basketft'
SYMBOL 'bed'
SYMBOL 'beer'
SYMBOL 'bell'
SYMBOL 'bicycle'
SYMBOL 'binoculars'
SYMBOL 'boat-1'
SYMBOL 'boat-2'
SYMBOL 'boat-3'
SYMBOL 'boat-4'
SYMBOL 'bolt'
SYMBOL 'bookdd'
SYMBOL 'bookmark'
SYMBOL 'box-closed'
SYMBOL 'box-opened'
SYMBOL 'bugft'
SYMBOL 'building'
SYMBOL 'bullseye'
SYMBOL 'bus2'
SYMBOL 'bus'
SYMBOL 'cab'
SYMBOL 'camera'
SYMBOL 'car2'
SYMBOL 'carotte'
SYMBOL 'car'
SYMBOL 'car-topview'
SYMBOL 'check-circle'
SYMBOL 'check'
SYMBOL 'child'
SYMBOL 'circlearrow'
SYMBOL 'circle_blue'
SYMBOL 'circleft'
SYMBOL 'circle_green'
SYMBOL 'circle_magenta'
SYMBOL 'circle_orange'
SYMBOL 'circle_red'
SYMBOL 'circle_yellow'
SYMBOL 'cleftf'
SYMBOL 'close'
SYMBOL 'cloudft'
SYMBOL 'cloudmoon'
SYMBOL 'cloudsun'
SYMBOL 'cloudthft'
SYMBOL 'coffee'
SYMBOL 'comment'
SYMBOL 'crosshairs'
SYMBOL 'cutlery'
SYMBOL 'database'
SYMBOL 'desktop'
SYMBOL 'dgp'
SYMBOL 'doublesound'
SYMBOL 'drone'
SYMBOL 'ellipse'
SYMBOL 'envelope'
SYMBOL 'euro'
SYMBOL 'evouala_blue'
SYMBOL 'evouala_green'
SYMBOL 'evouala_magenta'
SYMBOL 'evouala_orange'
SYMBOL 'evouala'
SYMBOL 'evouala_red'
SYMBOL 'evouala_yellow'
SYMBOL 'exclamation-triangle'
SYMBOL 'eyeft'
SYMBOL 'female'
SYMBOL 'fioleft'
SYMBOL 'fire2'
SYMBOL 'fire3'
SYMBOL 'fire-extinguisher'
SYMBOL 'fire'
SYMBOL 'flag-checkered'
SYMBOL 'flag'
SYMBOL 'folder'
SYMBOL 'gas'
SYMBOL 'gears'
SYMBOL 'glaceft'
SYMBOL 'golf-bag'
SYMBOL 'golf-cart-1'
SYMBOL 'golf-cart-2'
SYMBOL 'graduation'
SYMBOL 'gridcircle'
SYMBOL 'happyface'
SYMBOL 'hastagft'
SYMBOL 'home'
SYMBOL 'h-square'
SYMBOL 'industry'
SYMBOL 'info-circle'
SYMBOL 'info'
SYMBOL 'key'
SYMBOL 'keywww'
SYMBOL 'laptop'
SYMBOL 'layersft'
SYMBOL 'leaf'
SYMBOL 'lightbulb-o'
SYMBOL 'linechart'
SYMBOL 'link'
SYMBOL 'location-arrow'
SYMBOL 'lock'
SYMBOL 'male'
SYMBOL 'mappine'
SYMBOL 'marker'
SYMBOL 'microph'
SYMBOL 'minus'
SYMBOL 'music'
SYMBOL 'paint'
SYMBOL 'paperdollar'
SYMBOL 'paw'
SYMBOL 'pencil'
SYMBOL 'phone'
SYMBOL 'piechart'
SYMBOL 'pinftino'
SYMBOL 'pinft'
SYMBOL 'pizza'
SYMBOL 'plane'
SYMBOL 'plane-upright'
SYMBOL 'plug'
SYMBOL 'plus'
SYMBOL 'power-off'
SYMBOL 'question'
SYMBOL 'raine'
SYMBOL 'readme'
SYMBOL 'rectangle'
SYMBOL 'recycle'
SYMBOL 'riadoactif'
SYMBOL 'sadface'
SYMBOL 'sheet'
SYMBOL 'shield'
SYMBOL 'shopping'
SYMBOL 'sign-in'
SYMBOL 'sign-out'
SYMBOL 'snow'
SYMBOL 'soccer-ball'
SYMBOL 'spiner'
SYMBOL 'spoon'
SYMBOL 'square_blue'
SYMBOL 'squareft'
SYMBOL 'square_green'
SYMBOL 'square_magenta'
SYMBOL 'square_orange'
SYMBOL 'square_red'
SYMBOL 'square_yellow'
SYMBOL 'starft'
SYMBOL 'star-vector_blue'
SYMBOL 'star-vector_green'
SYMBOL 'star-vector_magenta'
SYMBOL 'star-vector_orange'
SYMBOL 'star-vector_red'
SYMBOL 'star-vector_yellow'
SYMBOL 'subway'
SYMBOL 'sunft'
SYMBOL 'tag'
SYMBOL 'target'
SYMBOL 'thermo'
SYMBOL 'thft'
SYMBOL 'timerft'
SYMBOL 'tint'
SYMBOL 'toggle-left'
SYMBOL 'toggle-right'
SYMBOL 'train'
SYMBOL 'trash'
SYMBOL 'tree'
SYMBOL 'triangle_blue'
SYMBOL 'triangle_green'
SYMBOL 'triangle_magenta'
SYMBOL 'triangle_orange'
SYMBOL 'triangle_red'
SYMBOL 'triangle_yellow'
SYMBOL 'truck'
SYMBOL 'tshirt'
SYMBOL 'umbrella'
SYMBOL 'university'
SYMBOL 'unlock'
SYMBOL 'usddollar'
SYMBOL 'users'
SYMBOL 'van-topview'
SYMBOL 'video-camera'
SYMBOL 'volumeup'
SYMBOL 'warning'
SYMBOL 'wheelchair'
SYMBOL 'wifi'
SYMBOL 'wine'
SYMBOL 'wrench'