
Font Library

Here's the list of all Font type available in eVouala to configure labels of map layers


Font code for mapfile snippet

FONT 'al'

Arimo, Arimo Bold

Font code for mapfile snippet

FONT 'ar'
FONT 'arb'

Courrier, Courrier Bold, Courrier Italic


Font code for mapfile snippet

FONT 'cr'
FONT 'cri'
FONT 'crb'


Font code for mapfile snippet

FONT 'do'

Fjalla One


Font code for mapfile snippet

FONT 'fj'


Font code for mapfile snippet

FONT 'ka'

Muli, Muli Italic

Font code for mapfile snippet

FONT 'mu'
FONT 'mui'

Old Standard

Font code for mapfile snippet

FONT 'olds'

Open Sans, Open Sans Bold, Open Sans Italic


Font code for mapfile snippet

FONT 'os'
FONT 'osb'
FONT 'osi'

Source Sans Pro, Source Sans Pro Bold, Source Sans Pro Italic

Font code for mapfile snippet

FONT 'ssp'
FONT 'sspb'
FONT 'sspi'

Varela Round

Font code for mapfile snippet

FONT 'vr'

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